The system represents a village of North Vietnam, the topography of the village is based on a google map image (see the background). Within the village you have ground (brown color), household (white), farms (very light pink) and ponds (blue). Whenever a environmental place is infected it becomes orange (more like yellow in the video). This village is surrounding by ricefield lots (green). The agents (circle) are poultry flocks. There are two types: free range ducks which go to the ricefields and "pond ducks" which go to the ponds, both during daytime. Each flock contains a matrix of individuals where their infectious state only is represented. Whenever a flock has one infected individuals it excretes one unit of virus in the current environment (but not in farm). Then the environment cell will deplete regularly its virus level. When a flock is localized in a infected environment it can trigger the infection of one individual.
This model is pretty simple compared to my objective model and it is using reasonable parameters but not the ones i will have finally.
By the way, as you might guess this model does not use a grid for environment but a continuous space containing geometries (polygons) read directly from GIS data (or generated from it in the case of rice-field lots).